مشروع تنفيذ الأعمال المتبقية بمشروع ترميم مبنى مركز الخدمة الشاملة قيمة المشروع - (5579907.27) المالك - وزارة المالية الاستشاري - الديار العربية للاستشارات الهندسية
إستكمال تنفيذ قناة وادي السلي بمدينة الرياض (الجزء الأول) عقد رقم 30 عبارة سيول تقطاع جبل بني غنيمة مع وادي السلي عبارة سيول تقاطع شارع…
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Re-isolating the ground tanks , 12 main tanks and 6 spare tanks in Al-Maather Housing Complex in Riyadh - The project belongs to the Real…
Establishment of the Holy Quran Memorization School in the Naval Housing Complex in Riyadh, which is belong to the Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Navy…
Sub-Municipalities Establishment project" Aloarija – Al azizia- Albateha – Nemar, First phase , the project belong to The Ministry of Rural Affairs- Amant AL Riyadh…
Rehabilitation of the Rabwah Market for Vegetables and Fruits The project includes a redevelopment, rehabilitation and coordination of the entire site in Riyadh, which is…
Establishment of Al-Balas Elementary School, (Building 23/12 ) with Sport Playground , the project belongs to the Ministry of Education- Bisha - Southern Region with…
Establishment of Uqba Bin Nafeh primary and high school , (6 classes with administrative rooms & 6 classes with laboratory ), the project belongs to…
The project includes the implement irrigation tanks with pump rooms 12 tanks in different neighborhoods in Riyadh (Al Khaleej, Seville, Al Nafoora, Al Manakh, Al…
Sub-Municipalities Completion project" Aloarija – Al azizia- Albateha – Nemar, First phase , the project belong to The Ministry of Rural Affairs- Amanat AL Riyadh…